Saturday, December 13, 2008

Saturday Special: Kung Fu Shopping

Today we are going to visit the local Rec Center where I will get to work on my fitness goals for the upcoming year. I have been feeling terrible and disgusted with myself and I am resolved this year to become healthier. So nothing like a little headstart.

After that, I will be heading out for some final shopping before Christmas. Little Chief and Jackson have been practicing their best Kung Fu Panda moves in the event that I need a little back up!!

Enjoy your day, whatever it might bring!


Tiffany said...

Cute Kung Fu moves! I need some of those to get me through Walmart today!

John Deere Mom said...

Have fun! Great moves, boys!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Good for you! I need to get signed up for my winter water aerobic classes. But just thinking about the water. And how freakin' cold it gets when the maintenace guy opens that door to the outside...I put it off yet another day.

I got Maddie Kung Fu Panda for Christmas...we haven't seen it yet...

Ashley said...

That is a good back up team you have there! I wonder if they got to put any of their moves to work? Haha!