Monday, January 19, 2009

Toilet Training for Cats?

So this weekend at a baby shower I attended, the mother-to-be got a Diaper Champ; you know the thing you can deposit soiled diapers into and it seals them for removal later. Well, someone at the shower said they make the same thing for cats, you scoop the litter, turn the wheel and it is sealed in a bag for later removal. Sounded interesting so I started doing some research on the subject. During my web search I ran across this:

Now I am intrigued. Could this possibly work? There are a lot of testimonials on the website with photos of kittys using the toilet. I mean, no more litter to buy and it is a way to contribute to a greener planet, sounds good, right? Do you think it would really work? Does anyone out there have this system or a toliet trained cat? I sure hope so and look forward to hearing the pros and cons before I make a decision.


April said...

I'm visiting from SITS! Wow...never seen that toilet trainer for cats. Very interesting, to say the least!

Shannon said...

The first cat I ever had used to pee in the toilet. Seriously! We never taught him... one day my mom was fixing her hair and noticed in the mirror that he had jumped up on the toilet... she thought he was going to drink from the bowl, so she told him to get down. Was she ever surprised to hear him start to pee, LOL! She yelled for me to come see what my cat was doing... he just looked at us like we were crazy for staring at him, as if what he was doing was normal!

Kim H. said...

Okay, I'm sorry, that's just crazy! And I mean that in the nicest of ways. I thought them just getting their "business" in the box was success enough.

I don't know. I'm not a cat person - we have a dog and I'm just happy she knows where to do her "business."

At any rate, keep us posted if you manage to get your cats to do their thing in the potty. It would be a great feat.


Staci said...

seriously??......seriously??? lol